Sunday 29 December 2013

Top 30 Camera Shots

I have just stumbled across this guide to Empire's top 30 camera angles, including multiple examples of films in which each one is used. This link I am finding extremely valuable.

The all-important link:

Many of these shots are frequently used in the films that have influenced my plan for an opening sequence, such as the Deep Focus shot, POV shot and the Whip Pan.

Some of these shots I have previously been unaware of, and I feel using these new techniques will add depth to the work I produce on a visual level.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Audience Survey

Click here to take survey Here is the survey I have composed in order to collect audience information about film preferences. PLEASE TAKE THE SURVEY. Thank you.

*1. Which genre of film do you enjoy watching?
*2. How many of these films have you seen?
*3. Would you audition to be in a film like this?
*4. Do you play videogames? If so, list here:

I put a link to my survey on my Facebook page and on an online forum. From the results of my survey, I found out that my audience would react very positively to a film of my chosen genre. The fan-base would be vast, with over 70% of results stating that the audience members would watch a pastiche film and also audition for one. Most of the results read that the audience play videogames for fun, so would be able to identify with some of the references I would make in my film.