Wednesday 9 October 2013

Juliet's Soliloquy

I am taking my Silver Medal LAMDA exam in November, and in preparation I was doing some research into one of my pieces: Juliet's Soliloquy. I was looking at some youtube clips of actresses performing the same piece I have to learn and I noticed something.

I noticed near the end of the clip I was watching there was the sound of a choir singing, which is a good example of non-diegetic sound and I thought "I shall blog this".

I thought at first someone else was going to come into Juliet's room, but then I remembered the play, and the fact that nobody does... Then I concluded the singing must be something Juliet cannot hear, and it was possibly her hysterical state making her hear mournful choir singing suggesting her impending doom... eerie.

I feel I could employ this technique in my own work to add suspense and tension to the end of my film opening as it reaches it's climax, just as the choir begins at the climax of Juliet's hysteria.

1 comment:

  1. What a good idea to combine LAMDA revision with Media - and it worked. Excellent analysis of this example.
