Monday 14 October 2013

Superbad opening

I also happened to watch the film 'Superbad' with Jonah Hill, Michael Cera and Christopher Mintz-Plasse:

I particularly like the film's opening sequence. It only lasts for a minute and twenty-seven seconds but I think it is very effective and suits the genre of the film in general.
I think the use of the green screen and the way they have duplicated the images is clever, and the colour combinations are very complimentary - even when the silhouettes overlap with the opening credits.
It is quite simple, but it is amusing and features the three principle characters in a humorous way.
By swapping between solid colours and thin outlines it doesn't get boring to watch. If the editors had stuck with one block colour for each character that stayed the same throughout, I don't think it would have been as entertaining.

This has also given me some ideas for possible film openings of my own.

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